Welcome to our SDSC TOPSoccer Program!


We welcome all challenged athletes and their families who love playing soccer to enjoy our spring and fall sessions. In addition, we provide opportunities for our TOPSoccer athletes to participate in soccer festivals and tournaments year-round.

What is TOPSoccer?

TOPSoccer (which stands for The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a community-based soccer program that creates a safe and fun environment for athletes with physical, developmental, and cognitive disabilities so they can participate in organized sports. These athletes compete with athletes of similar abilities. Any player, ages 4 and up, who possesses a physical or mental disability that limits their ability to perform at the level of play they have chosen to participate is eligible for the program. Emphasis of this program is on development, training, and providing meaningful participation rather than on competition. TOPSoccer’s goal is to enable the thousands of young athletes with disabilities to become valued and successful members of Cal South.

A successful TOPSoccer program has the following:

  • Placement of players by ability not age

  • Highlight players’ ability rather than their disability

  • Make players have a meaningful experience, not just a token player

  • Make players achieve desired goals without assistance

  • and FUN! FUN! FUN!


Contact Glori Nakamura at tops@sdscsurf.com

Spring 2025 Dates
Sundays, March 9th to May 11th
9:00 - 10:00 AM

Sabre Springs Community Park
12953 Sabre Springs Pkwy
San Diego, CA 92128

$20 / player

Volunteers & Buddies Needed
Seeking volunteers and buddies to help work with our athletes, set up and break down the fields, and put away the soccer equipment. Interested in helping out?

Please contact Glori Nakamura via email at tops@sdscsurf.com.

More information about TOPSoccer:
CalSouth's TOPSoccer Page